Top Amenities that Prospective Tenants are Looking ForWhen people search for a home to purchase, they will typically want to know what amenities are in that vicinity. These may include schools, shopping centers, dining establishments, churches, parks, and the like. So, when prospective tenants are seeking their next residence, it is likely that they will also be looking for the same.

While all tenants are obviously not identical, there are actually a variety of amenities that can make your property much more attractive, and in turn, can continue to keep the property rented and producing income for you. These can include items around the property, as well as within it.

For instance, on the exterior, people want to know that they are safe. Therefore, making sure that your properties are located in secure areas can be a definite plus. Likewise, taking added precautions like having an alarm and deadbolt locks on the doors can be attractive.

Another key to ensuring that your rental properties are as appealing as possible is to include newer appliances. While it may be cost effective to keep stoves and refrigerators for as long as possible, there are times when spending the money up-front to replace these items will net you longer-term and more quality tenants.

Likewise, a new coat of paint, along with new (or at least newer) flooring can also go a long way towards attracting the type of tenants you want – and the type of tenants who are more likely to keep the unit in good condition.

Managing and maintaining rental property can be somewhat time-consuming, though. If the time that you spend fixing leaky faucets and collecting rent is eating into other things that you would rather be doing, then it may be time to consider hiring an experienced property manager.

Want more details on how you can profit by delegating your day to day landlord duties? Contact Us today.