Accounting for Landlords Made Easy
As a rental property owner, you likely have a long “To Do” list – and it may oftentimes seem like every time you scratch one item off of it, several more are added! In addition to the more common responsibilities, though, like property upkeep and collecting rent,...
The Benefits of Giving Holiday Gifts to Your Tenants
As yet another holiday season approaches, it comes time to make up a gift list – and if you own residential rental property, you might want to consider putting (or keeping) your tenants on the “nice” side of the page. Even without spending a lot of money, giving...
How to Keep from Losing Your Ideal Tenants
While we’ve likely all heard stories about the “tenants from hell,” who tear up rental properties and cause hundreds (or thousands) of dollars in damages, it is possible that you currently have dream tenants in one or more of your residential rentals who pay their...
Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Rental Property?
If you own one or more residential investment properties, you might be paying more than you have to on your current mortgage(s). With the historically low interest rate environment still in full swing, you may be able to lower your monthly mortgage payment (in some...
Considerations for Multi-Family Property Owners with the COVID 19 Delta Variant
While owning multi-family property can provide a great opportunity for income generation, based on economies of scale, there are also some items to consider given the close proximity of the residents – particularly during times of a global health pandemic like...
How the Extended Moratorium on Evictions Can Continue to Impact Rental Property Owners
If you own residential rental real estate, it is likely that one of the reasons you purchased it is to generate an ongoing income from tenants. Unfortunately, though, since September 2020, you may be one of the millions of rental property investors who have gone...
How to Keep Your Rental Real Estate Investments Protected During Hurricane Season
With the 2021 hurricane season officially underway, keeping your real estate investment property(ies) safe may be a top priority. The good news is that there are things you can do ahead of time to make sure that you, your properties, and your tenants are all well...
How Real Estate Investors Could Benefit from the Recent COVID-19 Stimulus Package
As a real estate investor, it may seem like the bulk of the COVID-19 stimulus packages and protections have benefitted tenants rather than rental property owners. But the recent plan can actually be a win-win for both. This relief package, which was passed as part of...